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Conceptual study on incorporating user information into forecasting systems

Jiarui HAN, Qian YE, Zhongwei YAN, Meiyan JIAO, Jiangjiang XIA

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2011, Volume 5, Issue 4,   Pages 533-542 doi: 10.1007/s11783-010-0246-6

Abstract: An ideal forecasting system would incorporate user-end information.The weather forecasting system should include user interaction because user needs may change with differentA study was conducted on the conceptual forecasting system that included a dynamic, user-oriented interactive) project in China, a case study that was conducted to test the new forecasting system with reservoirThis paper discusses ideas for developing interactive, user-oriented forecast systems.

Keywords: user-end information     user-oriented     interactive forecasting system     TIGGE (THORPEX interactive grand global    

Analysis of US National Research Council’s Persistent Forecasting System of Disruptive Technologies

Zhang Xiaolin

Strategic Study of CAE 2018, Volume 20, Issue 6,   Pages 117-121 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2018.06.019


The National Research Council’s (NRC) report on Persistent Forecastingof Disruptive Technologies analyzes the key issues of disruptive technology forecasting and proposesan ideal persistent forecasting system model.On this basis, the paper summarizes the connotation and challenges of disruptive technology forecasting, presents the attributes of the ideal persistent forecasting system, and analyzes the system model and

Keywords: disruptive technologies     persistent forecasting     ideal forecasting system    


Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 2023, Volume 10, Issue 4,   Pages 648-653 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2023505

Abstract: In the past, both the direct learning approach and the personnel extension system for improving fertilizationTherefore, this article proposes an interactive knowledge learning approach using artificial intelligenceThe system consists of two parts.The second part is an intelligent decision system, which categorizes the information provided by farmersInvestigations show that the interactive knowledge learning approach can make a strong contribution to

Keywords: artificial intelligence     extension system     non-point source pollution control     smallholders     fertilization    

A novel methodology for forecasting gas supply reliability of natural gas pipeline systems

Feng CHEN, Changchun WU

Frontiers in Energy 2020, Volume 14, Issue 2,   Pages 213-223 doi: 10.1007/s11708-020-0672-5

Abstract: The result of the gas pipeline system calculated is the average gas supply reliability in each typicalTo verify the feasibility, the method proposed is applied for a real natural gas pipelines network system

Keywords: natural gas pipeline system     gas supply reliability     evaluation index     Monte Carlo method     hydraulic simulation    

A comprehensive review and analysis of solar forecasting techniques

Pardeep SINGLA, Manoj DUHAN, Sumit SAROHA

Frontiers in Energy 2022, Volume 16, Issue 2,   Pages 187-223 doi: 10.1007/s11708-021-0722-7

Abstract: Solar forecasting plays a vital role in smooth operation, scheduling, and balancing of electricity productionNumerous models and techniques have been developed in short, mid and long-term solar forecasting.This paper analyzes some of the potential solar forecasting models based on various methodologies discussed

Keywords: forecasting techniques     hybrid models     neural network     solar forecasting     error metric     support vector machine    

Regional wind power forecasting model with NWP grid data optimized

Zhao WANG, Weisheng WANG, Bo WANG

Frontiers in Energy 2017, Volume 11, Issue 2,   Pages 175-183 doi: 10.1007/s11708-017-0471-9

Abstract: To take full advantage of the environmental benefits of wind energy, wind power forecasting has to bePower forecasting for regional wind farm groups is the problem that many power system operators care

Keywords: regional wind power forecasting     feature set     minimal-redundancy-maximal-relevance (mRMR)     principal component    

long-term model with consideration of uncertainties for deployment of distributed energy resources using interactive


Frontiers in Energy 2014, Volume 8, Issue 4,   Pages 412-425 doi: 10.1007/s11708-014-0315-9

Abstract: This paper presents a novel modified interactive honey bee mating optimization (IHBMO) base fuzzy stochasticThe Monte Carlo simulation method is used to model the uncertainties associated with long-term load forecastingAn IEEE 30-bus radial distribution test system is used to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed

Keywords: component     distributed energy resources     fuzzy optimization     loss reduction     interactive honey bee mating    

Development and Application of Simulation Technology

Wang Zicai

Strategic Study of CAE 2003, Volume 5, Issue 2,   Pages 40-44


This paper discusses the developing process of simulation technology in view of its development, maturation and further development. Then this paper introduces the application of simulation technology in the fields of national economy. Finally, this paper analyzes the level and status quo of home and overseas simulation technology, and presents its future trend in the new century.

Keywords: simulation technology     system simulation     hardware in loop simulation     distributed interactive simulation    

Interactive effects of high-speed rail on nodal zones in a city: exploratory study on China

Guo LIU, Kunhui YE

Frontiers of Engineering Management 2019, Volume 6, Issue 3,   Pages 327-335 doi: 10.1007/s42524-019-0051-2

Abstract: The arrival of the high-speed rail (HSR) era has accelerated the pace of urban development, but its broad socioeconomic impact remains subject to intense debates. This research aims to propose a model for measuring the impact of HSR operation on HSR stations and the surrounding areas, which this research call the HSR-based nodal zone (HNZ). The proposed model is composed of two variables (i.e., transportation situation and vitality) and three subsystems (i.e., economic, societal, and environmental). Data were collected in China through questionnaire survey. Results indicate that the effects of HSR operation on HNZ are multidimensional, transportation vitality has an intermediary role in the effects, and the effects on the physical environment are negative. This study presents an early examination of the impact of HSR operation on the HSR stations and relevant areas and contributes new evidence to academic debates on the contribution of HSR to urban development. Accordingly, urban development policies should be built on the mechanism of HSR in driving the growth of HNZ.

Keywords: high-speed rail     nodal zone     interactive effects     sustainable urbanization     China    

Day-ahead electricity price forecasting using back propagation neural networks and weighted least square

S. Surender REDDY,Chan-Mook JUNG,Ko Jun SEOG

Frontiers in Energy 2016, Volume 10, Issue 1,   Pages 105-113 doi: 10.1007/s11708-016-0393-y

Abstract: This paper proposes the day-ahead electricity price forecasting using the artificial neural networksPrice forecasting is very important for online trading, e-commerce and power system for the electricity price forecasting tool.The data used for this price forecasting is obtained from the PJM website.forecasting approach.

Keywords: day-ahead electricity markets     price forecasting     load forecasting     artificial neural networks     load serving    

The Practice and Perspective of the Construction of the General System Architecture of E-city in Shanghai

Yan Junqi

Strategic Study of CAE 2005, Volume 7, Issue 5,   Pages 1-8


To solve the problems in the current information system of e-city, such as convenience, cooperation, share, openness, security, etc., a general system architecture model of e-city in Shanghai is proposed

Keywords: e-city in Shanghai     system architecture     information resource     interactive service     project practice    

Forecasting industrial emissions: a monetary approach

Yang DONG, Yi LIU, Jining CHEN, Yebin DONG, Benliang QU

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2012, Volume 6, Issue 5,   Pages 734-742 doi: 10.1007/s11783-012-0451-6

Abstract: Forecasts of industrial emissions provide a basis for impact assessment and development planning. To date, most studies have assumed that industrial emissions are simply coupled to production value at a given stage of technical progress. It has been argued that the monetary method tends to overestimate pollution loads because it is highly influenced by market prices and fails to address spatial development schemes. This article develops a land use-based environmental performance index (L-EPI) that treats the industrial land areas as a dependent variable for pollution emissions. The basic assumption of the method is that at a planning level, industrial land use change can represent the change in industrial structure and production yield. This physical metric provides a connection between the state-of-the-art and potential impacts of future development and thus avoids the intrinsic pitfalls of the industrial Gross Domestic Product-based approach. Both methods were applied to examine future industrial emissions at the planning area of Dalian Municipality, North-west China, under a development scheme provided by the urban master plan. The results suggested that the L-EPI method is highly reliable and applicable for the estimation and explanation of the spatial variation associated with industrial emissions.

Keywords: industrial emissions     environmental performance index     spatial planning     industrial land use    

Intelligent Forecasting Mode and Approach of Mid and Long Term Intelligent Hydrological Forecasting

Chen Shouyu,Guo Yu,Wang Dagang

Strategic Study of CAE 2006, Volume 8, Issue 7,   Pages 30-35

Abstract: synthesizes fuzzy optimal selection, BP neural network and genetic algorithm and establishes intelligent forecastingamount of training samples, and gets relative membership degree matrix according to the correlation of forecastingfactors and forecasting objective, then takes the matrix as input of BP neural network to train link-weights, and finally, uses gained link-weight values to verify forecasting.results are highly promising and show that the operation speed, precision and stability of intelligent forecasting

Keywords: fuzzy optimal selection     BP neural network     genetic algorithm     intelligent forecasting mode     mid and longterm intelligent hydrological forecasting    

Research on Nonlinear Combination Forecasting Approach Based on BP-AGA

Wang Shuo,Zhang Youfu,Jin Juliang

Strategic Study of CAE 2005, Volume 7, Issue 4,   Pages 83-87


A nonlinear combination forecasting model was established by using neural network and acceleratingExamples were presented finally, as a result, the forecasting precision high in evidence.

Keywords: neural network     accelerating genetic algorithm     nonlinear combination forecasting     forecasting precision    

Title Author Date Type Operation

Conceptual study on incorporating user information into forecasting systems

Jiarui HAN, Qian YE, Zhongwei YAN, Meiyan JIAO, Jiangjiang XIA

Journal Article

Analysis of US National Research Council’s Persistent Forecasting System of Disruptive Technologies

Zhang Xiaolin

Journal Article


Journal Article

A novel methodology for forecasting gas supply reliability of natural gas pipeline systems

Feng CHEN, Changchun WU

Journal Article

A comprehensive review and analysis of solar forecasting techniques

Pardeep SINGLA, Manoj DUHAN, Sumit SAROHA

Journal Article

Regional wind power forecasting model with NWP grid data optimized

Zhao WANG, Weisheng WANG, Bo WANG

Journal Article

Dong Chaoyang: Interpretable Memristive-LSTM Networks for Probabilistic Power System Forecasting (2022

7 Jul 2022

Conference Videos

long-term model with consideration of uncertainties for deployment of distributed energy resources using interactive


Journal Article

Development and Application of Simulation Technology

Wang Zicai

Journal Article

Interactive effects of high-speed rail on nodal zones in a city: exploratory study on China

Guo LIU, Kunhui YE

Journal Article

Day-ahead electricity price forecasting using back propagation neural networks and weighted least square

S. Surender REDDY,Chan-Mook JUNG,Ko Jun SEOG

Journal Article

The Practice and Perspective of the Construction of the General System Architecture of E-city in Shanghai

Yan Junqi

Journal Article

Forecasting industrial emissions: a monetary approach

Yang DONG, Yi LIU, Jining CHEN, Yebin DONG, Benliang QU

Journal Article

Intelligent Forecasting Mode and Approach of Mid and Long Term Intelligent Hydrological Forecasting

Chen Shouyu,Guo Yu,Wang Dagang

Journal Article

Research on Nonlinear Combination Forecasting Approach Based on BP-AGA

Wang Shuo,Zhang Youfu,Jin Juliang

Journal Article